Friday, August 26, 2011

We are drunks too!!

It has been a while since this has been in the headlines and yet I hear comments about it. The new police strategy to use Maori Wardens during the rugby world cup. They will have the power to remove 'drunk or violent' Maori. Now this seems well obviously racist. However, the majority of those who are angry about this has been non-maori. The Maori people have not viewed this at racist, and if anyone should be mad it should be the Maori who are being portrayed as the most likely to be violent and drunk, reinforcing these negative stereotypes.

So there has been a massive backlash about this. The whites think this is racist and one commenting that "there should be ONE law for all".
If it means such a big deal for them then they should by all means let them also take the whites, surely they would have no problem doing that, what exactly would they like? "Pakeha wardens"? It seems to me that whenever there is a law that relates specifically to Maori, the whites want in with it, no matter what it is.
I mean they complain about admissions schemes and they complain about Rangitahi courts, and now this. I think its just ridiculous. These people are in no way affected by such decisions and yet if they are not included they get mad.

It seems that white New Zealand feel that they to be exactly the same as Maori on one hand and yet "the treaty breaches were so long ago we should let it go" on the other hand.
They argue equality and don't want to do anything to get to that point. Historical amnesia and avid equality fighters when it is them that is missing out. Where were they when Maori weren't able to speak our own languages at schools?
White New Zealand making themselves victims of discrimination, I laugh at the ridiculousness of that very thought.


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