Thursday, August 25, 2011

Foreshore, for sure?

I know we are yet to look in particular at Maori and Pakeha relations but when I saw this image, I couldn't help but think.

The image looks at the areas of possible oil and coal extraction throughout New Zealand. With the last major Treaty Settlement process beginning early this month with the country's largest iwi Nga Puhi, I wonder how much of a bearing this will have on them. Will the governments vested interests in the fossil fuel exploration have any bearing on the outcome of the settlement with the Crown? I sincerely hope not but I guess we will just have to wait and see.

With constant mention of Maori and crime and unemployment in the media, I would hate to think that one of the most landmark decisions in our country's history which has the potential to aid this, be hindered by what the government might perceive to be 'beneficial to all New Zealanders' through fossil fuel exploration.

Will we see redemption for the people of the far north and much of Tamaki Makaurau, or may we see more profiteering for 'all New Zealanders' at the expense of the Nga Puhi people? I patiently wait... and hope.


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