Monday, August 22, 2011

White Privilege or Non-White Handicap

I have been pondering the term “White Privilege.” Are advantages gained by white people because of their race best classified as White Privilege, or is it more appropriate to label disadvantages suffered by non-White people because of their race a non-White Handicap? The general solution to racism is to treat everybody equally so, to me, this seems to be a fundamental question. As McIntosh states the word “privilege” implies favouritism whether earned or confirmed by birth or luck. It has connotations of being unfairly benefited. Therefore a hypothetical solution to racism could be to remove these privileges and to stop favouring Whites. On the other hand she also explains how White people tend to think of their lives as morally neutral, normative and average which suggests that they are the norm and that the solution to racism would be for anyone not enjoying the same degree of opportunity (i.e. those suffering a handicap for not being white) need to be brought up to their level. On the surface these solutions appear to be the same as they both level the playing field by making the conditions the same for everyone so I will explain them with a practical example. A White person can enter a store and expect to not be followed around or harassed. The same is not true for a non-White person. This is said to be White Privilege. Under the first solution the white privilege is removed and white people are also followed around the shop. Under the second solution this privilege is applied to everybody therefore no-one is followed around the shop. In application the solutions are very different. Which is better? Are Whites privileged or are non-Whites handicapped? The answer is both but as McIntosh alludes to; the challenge to solving this paradoxical situation is not deciding whether Whites or non-Whites are at the right level and whether Whites need to be brought down or non-Whites need to be brought up, it lies in getting Whites to acknowledge their position of advantage, to make their invisible package of unearned assets visible.


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