Sunday, August 28, 2011

NZ's official languages

During the TV1 and TV3 news coverage of the Christchurch earthquake earlier this year, there was a strong emphasis on getting the new across visually to the hearing impaired through the use of a signer, signing when announcements relating to the earthquake were made.

With sign language being one of the official languages of New Zealand, it was great to see that the news was picking up on this, and making sure the news got to those who are hearing impaired. This was the first time i had noticed this happening in the media.

Maori, however, is the other official language of New Zealand and i found it disappointing to see that while one of our official languages was being emphasized, the other was being ignored on these two mainstream channels. On Maori channels this news was reported and discussed but they are not mainstream channels and target a smaller percentage of the population.

The Ministry of Educations New Zealand Curriculum (2007) states that "Te Reo Maori and New Zealand sign language are official languages of New Zealand, english, the medium for teaching and learning in most schools, is a de facto official language by virtue of its widespread use".

Although it is vital that this news was to be presented in english, it was unfortunate that the Te Reo Maori was not emphasized as much as New Zealand's other official language 'sign language' during this tragic time.


At September 5, 2011 at 7:21 PM , Blogger Sue Abel said...

Good point, made well


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